Laura Ostrowsky RN, CCM MUP is the current president of the NYC chapter of CMSA and a Director on the national CMSA board. She teaches a CCM prep course with the Case Management Institute, works with Athena Forum, and writes and consults on case management and related topics. Laura has published articles on Case Management in CMSA Today, Professional Case Management, Case in Point, The Patient Flow Journal and other periodicals. She regularly presents at national conferences including CMSA, the Patient Advocate Institute, NTOCC, and others on topics ranging from case management, patient flow, and payer-provider collaboration to advocacy, collaborative practice, and case management’s role in the changing health care environment.
Laura is a past Director of Case Management at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (1999-2019) and the 2012 CMSA Case Manager of the Year. Her program was been nominated by Case in Point for excellence in Utilization Management, Discharge Planning, and Transitions in Care and awarded the patient Advocate Award. She created a patient advocacy program to assist patients in obtaining access to specialty care despite network restrictions. The program has been featured in articles in Advance for Nursing, The Wall Street Journal, Case in Point, and Case Management Monthly.
Laura holds a master’s degree in Health Planning and Policy from Hunter College.
Laura has 40 years of health care experience, including time as a staff nurse, QA Coordinator, and Director of UR and QA, followed by directorships in CM at New York-Presbyterian (NYP) and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and providing educational presentations as part of the Genentech Speaker’s Bureau.